
Utility objects and functions

class heudiconv.utils.File(name: str, executable: bool = False)

Helper for a file entry in the create_tree/@with_tree

It allows to define additional settings for entries

class heudiconv.utils.SeqInfo(total_files_till_now, example_dcm_file, series_id, dcm_dir_name, series_files, unspecified, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, TR, TE, protocol_name, is_motion_corrected, is_derived, patient_id, study_description, referring_physician_name, series_description, sequence_name, image_type, accession_number, patient_age, patient_sex, date, series_uid, time, custom)
TE: float

Alias for field number 11

TR: float

Alias for field number 10

accession_number: str

Alias for field number 21

custom: Hashable | None

Alias for field number 27

date: str | None

Alias for field number 24

dcm_dir_name: str

Alias for field number 3

dim1: int

Alias for field number 6

dim2: int

Alias for field number 7

dim3: int

Alias for field number 8

dim4: int

Alias for field number 9

example_dcm_file: str

Alias for field number 1

image_type: tuple[str, ...]

Alias for field number 20

is_derived: bool

Alias for field number 14

is_motion_corrected: bool

Alias for field number 13

patient_age: str | None

Alias for field number 22

patient_id: str | None

Alias for field number 15

patient_sex: str | None

Alias for field number 23

protocol_name: str

Alias for field number 12

referring_physician_name: str

Alias for field number 17

sequence_name: str

Alias for field number 19

series_description: str

Alias for field number 18

series_files: int

Alias for field number 4

series_id: str

Alias for field number 2

series_uid: str | None

Alias for field number 25

study_description: str

Alias for field number 16

time: str | None

Alias for field number 26

total_files_till_now: int

Alias for field number 0

unspecified: str

Alias for field number 5

class heudiconv.utils.StudySessionInfo(locator, session, subject)
locator: str | None

Alias for field number 0

session: str | None

Alias for field number 1

subject: str | None

Alias for field number 2

class heudiconv.utils.TempDirs

A helper to centralize handling and cleanup of dirs

heudiconv.utils.anonymize_sid(sid: AnyStr, anon_sid_cmd: str) AnyStr

ValueError – if script returned an empty string (after whitespace stripping), or output with multiple words/lines.

heudiconv.utils.assure_no_file_exists(path: str | Path) None

Check if file or symlink (git-annex?) exists, and if so – remove

heudiconv.utils.clear_temp_dicoms(item_dicoms: list[str]) None

Ensures DICOM temporary directories are safely cleared

heudiconv.utils.create_file_if_missing(filename: str, content: str) bool

Create file if missing, so we do not override any possibly introduced changes

heudiconv.utils.create_tree(path: str, tree: Sequence[Tuple[str | File, str | TreeSpec | dict]] | Mapping[str, str | TreeSpec | dict], archives_leading_dir: bool = True) None

Given a list of tuples (name, load) or a dict create such a tree

if load is a tuple or a dict itself – that would create either a subtree or an archive with that content and place it into the tree if name ends with .tar.gz

heudiconv.utils.docstring_parameter(*sub: str) Callable[[T], T]

Borrowed from https://stackoverflow.com/a/10308363/6145776

heudiconv.utils.get_datetime(date: str, time: str, *, microseconds: bool = True) str

Combine date and time from dicom to isoformat.

  • date (str) – Date in YYYYMMDD format.

  • time (str) – Time in either HHMMSS.ffffff format or HHMMSS format.

  • microseconds (bool, optional) – Either to include microseconds in the output


datetime_str – Combined date and time in ISO format, with microseconds as if fraction was provided in ‘time’, and ‘microseconds’ was True.

Return type:


heudiconv.utils.get_known_heuristic_names() list[str]

Return a list of heuristic names present under heudiconv/heuristics

heudiconv.utils.get_typed_attr(obj: Any, attr: str, _type: type[T], default: V) T | V
heudiconv.utils.get_typed_attr(obj: Any, attr: str, _type: type[T], default: None = None) T | None

Typecasts an object’s named attribute. If the attribute cannot be converted, the default value is returned instead.

  • obj (Object)

  • attr (Attribute)

  • _type (Type)

  • default (value, optional)

heudiconv.utils.is_readonly(path: str) bool

Return True if it is a fully read-only file (dereferences the symlink)

heudiconv.utils.json_dumps(json_obj: Any, indent: int = 2, sort_keys: bool = True) str

Unified (default indent and sort_keys) invocation of json.dumps

heudiconv.utils.json_dumps_pretty(j: Any, indent: int = 2, sort_keys: bool = True) str

Given a json structure, pretty print it by colliding numeric arrays into a line.

If resultant structure differs from original – throws exception

heudiconv.utils.load_heuristic(heuristic: str) ModuleType

Load heuristic from the file, return the module

heudiconv.utils.load_json(filename: str | Path, retry: int = 0) Any

Load data from a json file

  • filename (str or Path) – Filename to load data from.

  • retry (int, optional) – Number of times to retry opening/loading the file in case of failure. Code will sleep for 0.1 seconds between retries. Could be used in code which is not sensitive to order effects (e.g. like populating bids templates where the last one to do it, would make sure it would be the correct/final state).



Return type:


heudiconv.utils.remove_prefix(s: str, pre: str) str

Remove prefix from the beginning of the string

  • s (str)

  • pre (str)


s – string with “pre” removed from the beginning (if present)

Return type:


heudiconv.utils.remove_suffix(s: str, suf: str) str

Remove suffix from the end of the string

  • s (str)

  • suf (str)


s – string with “suf” removed from the end (if present)

Return type:


heudiconv.utils.safe_copyfile(src: str, dest: str, overwrite: bool = False) None

Copy file but blow if destination name already exists

heudiconv.utils.safe_movefile(src: str, dest: str, overwrite: bool = False) None

Move file but blow if destination name already exists

heudiconv.utils.save_json(filename: str | Path, data: Any, indent: int = 2, sort_keys: bool = True, pretty: bool = False) None

Save data to a json file

  • filename (str or Path) – Filename to save data in.

  • data (dict) – Dictionary to save in json file.

  • indent (int, optional)

  • sort_keys (bool, optional)

  • pretty (bool, optional)

heudiconv.utils.set_readonly(path: str, read_only: bool = True) int

Make file read only or writeable while preserving “access levels”

So if file was not readable by others, it should remain not readable by others.

  • path (str)

  • read_only (bool, optional) – If True (default) - would make it read-only. If False, would make it writeable for levels where it is readable

heudiconv.utils.slim_down_info(j: dict[str, Any]) dict[str, Any]

Given an aggregated info structure, removes excessive details

Such as CSA fields, and SourceImageSequence which on Siemens files could be huge and not providing any additional immediately usable information. If needed, could be recovered from stored DICOMs

heudiconv.utils.strptime_micr(date_string: str, fmt: str) datetime

Decorate strptime while supporting optional [.%f] in the format at the end

  • date_string (str) – Date string to parse

  • fmt (str) – Format string. If it ends with [.%f], we keep it if date_string ends with ‘.d+’ regex and not if it does not.

heudiconv.utils.treat_infofile(filename: str) None

Tune up generated .json file (slim down, pretty-print for humans).

heudiconv.utils.update_json(json_file: str | Path, new_data: dict[str, Any], pretty: bool = False) None

Adds a given field (and its value) to a json file

  • json_file (str or Path) – path for the corresponding json file

  • new_data (dict) – pair of “key”: “value” to add to the json file

  • pretty (bool) – argument to be passed to save_json