.. _Tutorials: ========= Tutorials ========= .. toctree:: quickstart custom-heuristic reproin External Tutorials ****************** Luckily(?), we live in an era of plentiful information. Below are some links to other users' tutorials covering their experience with ``heudiconv``. - `YouTube tutorial `_ by `James Kent `_. - `Walkthrough `_ by the `Stanford Center for Reproducible Neuroscience `_. - `U of A Neuroimaging Core `_ by `Dianne Patterson `_. - `Sample Conversion: Coastal Coding 2019 `_. - `A joined DataLad and HeuDiConv tutorial for reproducible fMRI studies `_. - `The ReproIn conversion workflow overview `_. - `Slides `_ and `recording `_ of a ReproNim Webinar on ``heudiconv``. .. caution:: Some of these tutorials may not be up to date with the latest releases of ``heudiconv``.